I don't know how to write this entry. I don't even know how to start. All I see is pain and loss...and a long life ahead, without you at my side.
All your life, you have been my heart, and when you left, it went with you. I feel so empty, so lost without you. I know I'm breathing, but I can't catch my breath.
Our journey was a private one - one I never wanted to share, and one I don't think you wanted to share, either.
Before you came into my life, I didn't feel a lot of self worth. I'd never been told that I was good enough, smart enough, or worthy of love. You never uttered those words to me, because you couldn't, but in everything you did, every action, every look, every snuggle, bark, sneeze, lick and shake, you told me that I was worthy, that I mattered. You never let me down. You never left my side, unless you had no other choice. You lifted me up, and healed my broken heart.
You gave me the greatest gift I've ever received - unconditional love.
I don't even want to tell people you are gone. I don't want to hear all the those familiar words, "I understand," or "I'm so sorry for your loss." I don't want to be told how lucky I was, or how lucky you were. I don't want any of that, because no one, anywhere, can understand what you meant to me, what you gave me and how much I loved you...I don't think it's possible to love anything more than I loved you.
I called you "my beautiful," and you were, in every way that possibly mattered.
I have said you were the greatest love of my life, and it's the truth - that I was so well cared for, by you, that I learned to love myself, to trust myself, and to give life a chance I'd never given it before. I trusted you with my deepest fears, and you pushed them away, always letting me know I was stronger than they were. You were the only living thing I have ever trusted completely...you never gave me a reason to think I couldn't. Not in your entire life, not for a single moment.
Goodnight, my beautiful. My heart goes with you...you were my everything.